Maybe I did a little too much post processing here. Candied kumquats filled with foie. AMAZING. I could eat buckets of these. Okay, I’d get sick. Maybe not. Three is a great number.

Artichokes, black trumpets and guinea fowl.

Thinly shaved celery root over crab bodies and claws. I liked the crab and the celery root separately, but not together. (Or well, the celery drowned out the crab when eaten together)

Thinly sliced Monterey abalone with mushrooms in gruyere. I think its hard to dislike things baked in cheese. But I do love abalone.

Veal, loin and belly. Served with endive, almonds and deliciousness. Including radish flowers and broccoli flowers. (Wonder what volunteers do? We pick the flowers!)

Rainbow of citrus, served with ginger milk curd (this was especially delicious, but unphotogenic) and dehydrated angel food cake. Little wood sorrel leaves & ginger threads. (Picking wood sorrel leaves is a volunteer activity…)

Treats! Jellies, puffs, biscuits (with honey and wood sorrel flowers).
As always, Lazy Bear was delicious. And volunteering was fun. AND we took home parisian gnocchi and beef tartare.